Iakovos Yakoumis (m) was born in 1974 in Athens (Greece). He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens on 1997. From the year 2017, he is a Ph.D. Candidate of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. He has published 15 research papers in international scientific journals. The citation index, of these papers, is more than 1040 (Google Scholar) and the h-index of his work is 11. He is the founder and CEO of MONOLITHOS Catalysts and Recycling Ltd. In 2000, at the age of 26, he was honored for the Organization of the Greek Small and Medium Enterprises with the Panhellenic Award of the Best Young Businessman of the Year. He has served as elected Vice-President of the city council of Naxos and Small Cyclades Municipality (2014).
Dr. Evangelos Kosmidis is an expert consultant in environmental sciences and applied environmental ICT solutions. He has a PhD Degree in Atmospheric Physics, while his research interests lie primarily in the field of Environmental Physics and air pollution observations for determining air quality in urban environments. He has participated in many R&D European projects and has more than 30 publications in scientific review magazines and conferences. Additionally, he has actively been involved in the management of numerous ICT projects and the development of a number of software solutions. In 2000, he founded DRAXIS Environmental SA, a company based in Greece, active in the development of real life environmental ICT solutions and the provision of specialized environmental consultation services. He is also the Head Scientific Adviser of CREVIS Sprl, DRAXIS spin-out company, which is based in Brussels and its services include product exploitation and dissemination of scientific results.
Panagiotis Karniouras is the Coordinator of PRAXI Network, an accredited IMP³rove Guide and National Representative for H2020 “Innovation in SMEs” and “Access to Risk Finance”.
He is acting as a project manager or project director for more than 20 publicly or privately funded projects dealing with technology transfer, innovation support, exploitation of research results and research-industry cooperation, financing innovation. He is the Coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network in Greece, a member of the Steering and Advisory Group of the Enterprise Europe Network and member of the BoD of the Hellenic Bio Cluster and the Hellenic Photonics Cluster. He has been member of National Committees on Research and Innovation, acted several times as an evaluator of National innovation, research and investment proposals as well as evaluator of innovation proposals submitted to innovation related competitions.
Mr. Karniouras holds an MSc degree in Advanced Manufacturing Technology from the University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (UK) and a Mechanical Engineering Diploma from the National Technical University of Athens.